Sunday, July 19, 2020

Sunday Post #9: Just Another Quiet Summer Week

Sunday Post

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. 

Hi everyone! Happy Sunday!

This week was rather quiet. We've had some cooler days, finally, and the weather was just perfect. I did start my working out routine and I have to say, I'm feeling pretty well so far. I'm still struggling with watching what I eat, but I'm doing better. Mostly I'm proud that I've managed to keep a workout schedule, and I'm ready to be able to push myself further. I'm doing the 30 days of yoga challenge hosted by Adrienne @ Yoga With Adrienne, as well as one of the workouts from Chloe Ting. I figured out how to best do these for me, so I have a pretty nice schedule. I hope I'll be able to keep this up. Other than that I've been reading some books, and I even blogged hopped, which I haven't done in a while. On top of that I've kept up my Turkish lessons, which makes me happy.

What I Read

I started reading A Princess In Theory by Alyssa Cole on Spotify, and I have to say that book is hilarious. It's also such a great story, that I hope everyone will read.

I finished reading the newest Lexi Blake book, Stealing Summer, as well as finally finishing the Grisha trilogy, thanks to my buddy read. Right now I'm reading my very first Nora Roberts book, Naked In Death. I'm excited.

You can also read my Hands Down review here.

What I Watched

Aside from my Turkish shows, I haven't watched anything interesting.

What I Listened To

Like last week, I listened to anything I could from my multinational playlists. The Daily playlists from Spotify are very well done, so I haven't ventured too far out of those playlists. 

Next Week On The Blog

I have some overdue reviews coming up that I'm excited to share with everyone. I am very excited to share them with you guys. I'm also putting a dent in my tag collection, so it's going to be a full week. Basically I wrote as many posts as possible this weekend, because one never knows when the slump comes again.


That's it for me. How was your week? Did you get any good books this week? Did you read any good blog posts? Share in the comments!