Tuesday, July 23, 2013

15 Day Book Blogger Challenge: Day 10: How Do You Choose What Book To Read Next?

I read about this challenge yesterday on various book blogs that I stalk read and I decided to join in. The challenge  was created by April @ Good Books, Good Wine and I think it's a very good and interesting idea. So here I am :) If you want to do this too, go to her Day 1 page to learn how :D

Want to see past topics? Click on the links below to see them:

       Day 1            Day 6
       Day 2            Day 7
       Day 3            Day 8
       Day 4            Day 9
       Day 5

Day 10: How Do You Choose What Book To Read Next?

You know, I'd love to have a smart answer and say it's a very complex process, during which I read reviews and I check my TBR list and stuff like that, but it would be a complete lie. There are really two major things that determine what I'll read next:

  1. Do I have any books that I received for review? If the answer is yes, then I'll read from this pile. If the answer is no, then it's option number 2.
  2. Option number 2 is to just grab whatever's available at the moment. Or I flip a coin, whichever makes me feel better at the moment.
That's it. I don't have a schedule (can't keep one even if my life depended on it) or a list of books to be read in August, for example. 

What about you? 


  1. I usually go for books in my review pile too. Recently I thought I was totally on top, but went a bit crazy on Edelweiss. I really think I need to make more time with my own books soon though. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us! :)

    1. Oh, I'm the same with Netgalley. It's just...those "Request" buttons are sometimes daring me to click on them. I need to be more organized. Thanks for stopping by!
