Sunday, July 12, 2020

Sunday Post #8: July - Best Month Of 2020

Sunday Post

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. 

Hi everyone! Happy Sunday!

I've finally found my groove again. I haven't talked about this much publicly, but the quarantine messed up my blogging schedule big time. If it weren't for the buddy read and review journey I was on with Jamsu @ Jamsudreams I probably wouldn't have blogged at all for the past few months. I would just stare at the text and HTML editors blankly without having any words come to me, even though I had the ideas. Something happened though in the past few weeks and I'm here to tell you all about it. Because I do believe July is the best month of 2020.

It all started with the last week of June actually. Because that's when one of the 4 new Turkish summer Dizis started. Although not the first one to start, I was VERY excited to watch Bay Yanlış (Mr. Wrong). I went into it a little bit in my review for Bölüms 1 and 2, but basically my mental health was saved because of Turkish TV shows. Each episode lasts a little over 2 hours, which helps A TON with getting you to ignore the fact that there's almost nothing to do otherwise.

Actually around mid-March I dived headfirst into a reading slump, so big that I couldn't even listen to audiobooks. I just couldn't focus on them. So Turk Dizis really helped. And then slowly, slowly, I kind of dug myself out of that slump. Now... it will probably take a while for me to match February, when I read 29 books, but I'm still on a roll and that makes me happy.

Then this week Sen Çal Kapımı (You Knock On My Door) started and my summer was made. There's another show that I'm watching, also a summer comedy, called Gençliğim Eyvah (roughly translated Oops My Youth), and I also want to try Çatı Katı Aşk (Attic Love), the last of the 4 summer shows. Basically my summer will be filled with awesomeness, love, and laughter. Also books.

What I Read

This week I've read 3 books: 

  • The Faerie Prince by Rachel Morgan | 4★ | my review here
  • Loki Ascending by Asa Maria Bradley | 4★
  • Hands Down by Mariana Zapata | 5★ (more like 1000 ★ if I could)
I'm also reading Ruin and Rising with Haley @ The Caffeinated Reader and Jayati @ It's Just a Coffee Addicted Bibliophile and I'm excited to finish this trilogy.  

What I Watched

My week has been pretty much consumed by Turkish shows. You can read all about it here:

Other than that, I've watched dad watch some pretty interesting true crime documentaries on Netflix. That sounds strange, I know. But basically my "office" is in the living room and the TV is in the living room so while I'm working, dad is watching stuff on TV and sometimes I peek at whatever he's watching. It is a time, y'all.

What I Listened To

My Spotify playlist has been pretty out there this week, as it's been for the past two months or so. There's songs in English, Spanish, Romanian, Italian, and Turkish, with the occasional Russian songs, and the genres are even more diversified than that. Rock, pop, hip hop, disco, country, soul, you name it, I've probably listened to it. 

The best discovery of the week however has been Rihanna's Love On The Brain. I don't know why I haven't heard this song before, even though it's 4 years old, but I swear this is the first time I've listened to it. It may end up on my On Repeat playlist next week, I've listened to it so many times already. I am undecided if I like that song more than her Higher song. I'm not sure, and I don't even know if I want to decide.

Next Week On The Blog

I'm currently planning the week ahead, and I think it's exciting. I have 2 upcoming book reviews (we'll see if I can fit in a third one, I'm not sure yet), some tags, and my already regular TV madness installments. I'm actually going to keep at it with it, because everyone needs to have these love stories in their lives.


That's it for me. How was your week? Did you get any good books this week? Did you read any good blog posts? Share in the comments!