Wednesday, December 4, 2019

2019 Bookending Winter Day 4: Organizing Christmas Challenge

Bookending Winter is  a wonderful month-long event created by Clo @ Cuppa Clo and Sam @ Fictionally Sam where each day has a different prompt for the participants to talk about.

It's day 4 of the Bookending Winter event!! Laurie @ Laurie's Bookshelf is hosting today and her prompt of the day is Organizing Christmas Challenge. Here's more about today's prompt:
Uh oh, Christmas is just around the corner. Life happened and therefore you totally forgot to prepare yourself for the holiday. Answer the following questions and choose which character from books/movies/TV shows would help you to fulfill this task and help you prepare for Christmas.
  • This is an originally created challenge, so please link back to the creator and this post.
  • Answer all the challenges!
  • Mention who challenged you to do this challenge.
  • Challenge at least three other bloggers.
  • Have fun!

Don't forget to check out Laurie's post about this prompt. Without further ado, let's get started!

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Blogmas Day 3: Best Books...Of The Decade

According to Goodreads between 2010 and 2019 I read a little over 1000 books. That is something young Ruby never thought possible. Since we're close to the end of this decade (I'll let you guys add all the adjectives you want about this decade) I thought it would be fun to look back at the books I've read so far and see which ones stand out the most. I'm going to try really hard to pick one book per year, but we'll see how it all goes. Let's get started!

Book Review: Merry and Bright by Debbie Macomber

Merry and Bright by Debbie Macomber
Author: Debbie Macomber
Series: N/A
Audience: Over 18
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Ballantine Books
Release Date: October 3rd 2017
My Rating: 3.5 Cups
Source: Won in a giveaway
Blurb (from Goodreads):
Merry Knight is pretty busy these days. She’s taking care of her family, baking cookies, decorating for the holidays, and hoping to stay out of the crosshairs of her stressed and by-the-book boss at the consulting firm where she temps. Her own social life is the last thing she has in mind, much less a man. Without her knowledge, Merry’s well-meaning mom and brother create an online dating profile for her—minus her photo—and the matches start rolling in. Initially, Merry is incredulous, but she reluctantly decides to give it a whirl.

Soon Merry finds herself chatting with a charming stranger, a man with similar interests and an unmistakably kind soul. Their online exchanges become the brightest part of her day. But meeting face-to-face is altogether different, and her special friend is the last person Merry expects—or desires. Still, sometimes hearts can see what our eyes cannot. In this satisfying seasonal tale, unanticipated love is only a click away.
*Disclaimer: I won an ARC of this book in a giveaway hosted by the author. I'm writing my review voluntarily, and my opinions and rating are not influenced by having won this book.

I've been meaning for years to try out one of Debbie Macomber's books, so I was very excited when I won an ARC two years ago. I wasn't really sure what the book was about, except that it was set around Christmas, and I love books set around that holiday. There is a good reason for why I held off on reading it for so long after reading the blurb though. One of my favorite movies growing up was You've Got Mail, which is a 90s romcom that I watched many many times over the years. This meant that I had very high expectations for this book, so I had to manage them a bit before picking up this book.

I'm very glad I waited to read this book, because it turned out to be a very enjoyable read, one I probably wouldn't have appreciated had I not managed my expectations.

2019 Bookending Winter Day 3: Blanket, Tea, Read!

Bookending Winter is  a wonderful month-long event created by Clo @ Cuppa Clo and Sam @ Fictionally Sam where each day has a different prompt for the participants to talk about.

It's day 3 of the Bookending Winter event!! Laurie @ Laurie's Bookshelf is hosting today and her prompt of the day is Book, Tea, Read!" or the books that get you in the winter/Christmas mood. People, I have a TON on books that get me in the mood for Christmas Don't forget to check out Laurie's post here. Without further ado, let's get started!

Monday, December 2, 2019

2019 Bookending Winter Day 2: Reflection Time

Bookending Winter is  a wonderful month-long event created by Clo @ Cuppa Clo and Sam @ Fictionally Sam where each day has a different prompt for the participants to talk about.

It's day 2 of the Bookending Winter event and today's host, Laurie @ Laurie's Bookshelf has a very interesting prompt. As she says, December is the perfect time to look back over how the year went, if we managed to hit the goals we set out for ourselves in January, and also set goals for the new year. Don't forget to check out Laurie's post here. Without further ado, let's get started!

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Blogmas Day 1: November Wrap-Up

It's December already. Can you guys believe it? Because I cannot wrap my head around the fact that there's only 31 days left of 2019. It seems like 2019 flew by me, and it took me completely by surprise. I'm going to do Blogmas this year (and unlike last year, this time I'll do the full month, I promise). I thought I'd start with a proper month wrap-up, because this has been one of my best reading months of the year, with over 20 books read. Let's dive right into it, shall we?
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