I discovered this tag about a month ago on Youtube and I've seen some of my favorite bloggers do it to, so I decided to join in. I love Taylor's music and I think this is actually a cool idea. The tag was created by Sarah @ The Book Life.
So, here we go.
1. For ‘We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together’ pick a book (or book series) that you were pretty sure you were in love with, but then wanted to break up with.

This one is easy. It's Divergent by Veronica Roth. I read the first book and LOVED it. Read the second book and I wasn't that impressed. I have no interest in reading the third book. And not because of the ending. Yes, I read the spoilers. Funnily enough, the ending actually kind of makes me want to read the last book.
I felt like instead of seeing Four and Tris mature and grow in Insurgent, they became the characters that I would've expected to meet at the beginning of their journeys.
2. For ‘Red’ pick a book with a RED cover.

This is my favorite book so far with a red cover. It is AH-MAZING! I love Roth. *swoons*
3. For ‘The Best Day’ pick a book that makes you feel nostalgic

I was a kid when this book came out and it basically became the center of my universe for a long period of time. I am part of the generation that grew up with this series, so it's hard not to get a little bit nostalgic when I read it. But then again, this is the only book I've ever read in my life that manages to take me back to that moment in time when I first read it and it makes me feel like a kid again.
4. For ‘Love Story’ pick a book with forbidden love.
This series is...wow! I do not even want to think about the fact that it has ended. I just refuse to acknowledge that little detail.
5. For ‘I Knew You Were Trouble’ pick a book with a bad character you couldn’t help but love.

Sometimes authors do something so incredibly magical and fantastic and makes me love them more. They write a series about good vs evil, where the evil is just that. And the magic happens when they write a book for a character from "the other team". And that's just pure awesomeness and I love it. Same thing happened with Obsession.
6. For ‘Innocent’ (written b/c of Kanye West!) pick a book that someone ruined the ending for.

I don't know if I've told this story before or not, but back in middle school, about the same time that the 1st Harry Potter movie came out, a classmate and I were reading The Three Musketeers at the same time. I was a bit behind though, because back then I was a slow reader (think snail-like speed). We used to take the same subway on the way home, and we'd start talking about random stuff and when we realized we were reading the same book, we chatted about it. I kept asking him questions about where he was at, so in all fairness, it wasn't his fault that he spoiled the book for me. He would always start saying how I should read it myself and not ask him, but by then he'd already started telling me stuff, so the will to read it kind of disappeared. Maybe one day I'll try reading it again and see for myself how it ends.
7. For ‘Everything has changed’ pick a character from a book who goes through extensive character development.
Hmmm...This one is a bit tough, but I'll point to the Bloodlines series above and to Adrian Ivashkov. He grows up in this series. A lot.
8. For ‘You Belong With Me’ pick your most anticipated book release.
I need this book like I need to breathe. I NEED MY ROTH FIX!!!
9. For ‘Forever and Always’ – Pick your favorite book couple
I really, really can't choose one. There's just too many book couples that I love to choose from. However, the most recent one has to be Layla & Roth from the Dark Elements by Jennifer L. Armentrout (I choose to believe that they'll end up together).
10. For ‘Come Back, Be Here’ pick the book you would least like to lend out, for fear of missing it too much.

Yeah, no one is ever touching this puppy but me. EVER! And if that sounds mean then so be it. Come to think of it, no one can touch his brother's book, Acheron, either. Just... not an option.
This was so much fun! I'm bad at tagging people, so if you read this and want to give it a go, consider yourself tagged :D