This challenge is hosted by Anna @ Reader and Proud and it is just the challenge I need. We all know I'm bad at finishing series. I can name at least three that I need to finish and I plan on doing that in 2018. In reality, I'm aiming for finishing at least 8 series:
- Women of the Otherworld by Kelley Armstrong
- Bloodlines by Richelle Mead
- Alien Huntress by Gena Showalter
- Blood of Eden by Julie Kagawa
- MoonBound Clan Vampires by Larissa Ione - not done yet, but I need to play catchup
- Blood Stain by Linda Sejic - I'm not really sure if this series is finished yet, but I need to read volumes 2 and 3
- Immortals After Dark by Kresley Cole - not done yet, but I need to play catch-up
- Southern Vampire Mysteries by Charlaine Harris - I need to read the last two books of this series, even though I've already been spoiled and I can't say I was a fan of the things I heard, but hey...I still loved the books.
This challenge was created by Emily @ Falling for YA and is now hosted by Katrina @ Bookish Things & More
You probably already heard that Netgalley is becoming more restrictive in terms of requesting for us international bloggers. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing is not something I'll talk about here, but let's just say that I'm choosing to see this as an opportunity to reach that coveted 80% ratio. I also need to review books on Edelweiss. Basically I'm known for going on a request spree, and I need to keep that in check. I'm going to aim for a Silver level, which means I'm planning on reading 25 books.
This challenge is hosted by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction and Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight
I need to write more discussion posts. I always say I'll write them, and then I don't, either because I'm not really confident people will read it or because I fear it's just me repeating what everyone else is saying. This year however I'm planning on doing those discussion posts and ignore all those insecurities. I'm also going to challenge myself, and I'm aiming for the Chatty Kathy level, which means somewhere between 21 and 30 posts, or roughly 2 discussion posts per month.
As you well know, I'm obsessed with series. Also as you might now, I may have a little bit of an obsession with Instafreebie/Bookfunnel/freebies of any kind. Because of this, I have a ton of books, some of them series, that need to be read. Also, some authors have added boxed sets on Netgalley that I just had to snatch. I created Goodreads Shelf for this challenge, and I'll add the series as I read them.

This challenge is hosted by The Herd Presents.
The blogger shame is big for me, guys. So I plan on working on this. I plan on reading and reviewing at least 24 older review copies.
I'm waiting for the sign-up for New Author Challenge. This is a yearly reading challenge hosted by Literary Escapism and I participated back in the day, years and years ago, and I had a ton of fun. I want to discover new authors in the year to come.
This is it guys, the master list of my 2018 Reading/Blogging Challenges. I'm also participating in the Beat The Backlist 2018 challenge, but I made a separate post for it a few days ago.
OMG, I have been trying to comment for a long time but it keeps not letting me :( I hope I remember everything I said before!
ReplyDeleteFor starters, thank you so much for joining my challenge, Ruby! I hope you manage to finish all those. At the moment, nobody is reading the same series you are attempting to read, but maybe somebody will later and you can discuss them. Do you want me to add those series to the list?
I'm sorry you got spoiled about SVM but I hope you're still able to enjoy the series.
I see you're also participating in Dany's A Series a Month, and my god, I'm so jealous, it looks like such a dificult job for me so props to you. You can also add those in Series to Finish and your number will be higher; maybe that also motivated you.
Good luck with all of these, I hope you have a great time!
Anna @ Reader and Proud
So sorry blogger is being mean to you :( It's having a hissy fit or something :(
DeleteYou can totally add those books to the list, maybe someone will get inspired to read them too? Well, SVM is the series that introduced me to urban fantasy, so it will always hold a special place in my heart. I'm reluctant to read those last two books because I've been spoiled, but at the same time I need to get my big girl pants on and just read them because I trust the author of a story to make sense of it all, you know? Dani's series is TOUGH. I hope I can do it. And thanks for letting me know I can add those books in your challenge as well. I will totally do that! That way I can be a lot more motivated, like you said :D
Thank you! And thank you for hosting!
Yay, thank you, then I'm gonna add them. Your list reminded me I have to continue with the Vampire Academy series! I hope I can soon, I've heard nothing but great things about Bloodlines, so I bet you'll love it!
DeleteI've never readd SVM but I hope you didn't get spoiled for everything; maybe there's still some surprises in those two books or things happen differently than you'd expect. Hopefully you have forgotten some of those things when you pick them up. But from what you say, the series has a special meaning for you, so you will enjoy it for sure!
For Dani's challenge, maybe consider some duologies (that's what I would do). It sounds fantastic and I wish I could do it; I have a lot of respect for everybody joining in.
I love making lists and crossing things as done, so adding those extra books and knowing I will read them would motivate me a lot, and I thought it might be the same for you. After all, you'll be reading them either way, so you'll have a 2 for 1 and feel even more accomplished hahaha
Have a great week, Ruby!Yay, thank you, then I'm gonna add them. Your list reminded me I have to continue with the Vampire Academy series! I hope I can soon, I've heard nothing but great things about Bloodlines, so I bet you'll love it!
I've never readd SVM but I hope you didn't get spoiled for everything; maybe there's still some surprises in those two books or things happen differently than you'd expect. Hopefully you have forgotten some of those things when you pick them up. But from what you say, the series has a special meaning for you, so you will enjoy it for sure!
For Dani's challenge, maybe consider some duologies (that's what I would do). It sounds fantastic and I wish I could do it; I have a lot of respect for everybody joining in.
I love making lists and crossing things as done, so adding those extra books and knowing I will read them would motivate me a lot, and I thought it might be the same for you. After all, you'll be reading them either way, so you'll have a 2 for 1 and feel even more accomplished hahaha
Have a great week, Ruby!
I'm excited to see how Bloodlines ends, to be honest. I hope you get to finish Vampire Academy, I actually love that series.
DeleteI did get spoiled for SVM, but let's just say it was all voluntary. I decided to go searching for the spoilers at a time I wasn't so impressed with one of the last books I read in the series, so I kinda decided to skip ahead and read a bunch of spoiler-filled reviews. I did expect some of those stuff to happen, but I'm definitely not going to read the books with any preconcieved ideas. I'm going to enjoy myself, even if for old times sake.
Duologies is actually a great idea, thank you so much! I have a bunch of those, now that I think about it. And hey, you should try joining if you have any duologies or trilogies lying around.
Have a great week too and Happy Holidays!
Thank you for this list! I am trying not to sign up for all the challenged out there - but I might go for Series to Finish because I am behind on many of them!
ReplyDeleteI used to sign up to a ton of challenges back in the day, when I was still a newbie. I was totally overestimating myself lol. But Series to Finish is definitely a challenge worth taking part of.
DeleteI haven't signed up for any challenges yet myself and I don't know if I will... I used to love them but with all the books I have to read for uni it means that I am not really organised and limited in what I can choose to read...
ReplyDeleteBut I hope you can enjoy all of these challenges and can manage to stay on top of them all :)
I'm sorry uni is getting in the way of your reading. I remember those days, they're really painful memories :))
DeleteThank you! I hope so too.
OMG there are so many of them. I have a few challenges I am planning to do but your list has given me more ideas and challenges to join. Thanks a lot.
ReplyDeleteRight? There are a TON of challenges to sign up to, but I am trying like crazy to stop at just the ones I mentioned here LOL. It will be difficult. And you are very welcome. Let me know if you end up signing up for any of them.