Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Wednesday Chatter #7: Why you shouldn't be ashamed by what you read

Wednesday Chatter is a weekly feature at Ruby's Books where we'll be talking about anything and everything related to books and reading. Click here if you want to see what we talked about in the previous weeks

WARNING: Some bad words might be used in the following post. Don't say I didn't warn you!

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The idea for this post came to me while I was filling in the Fairytale Survey that Mel did on her blog. There was this question on if you've ever lied about what you were reading or if you've ever felt ashamed by the books you were reading.

I know there are a lot of people who might feel ashamed by what they read and I know there are many, many people that are acting like assholes and make you want to fell ashamed of what you read. My answer to those snobs is a big "Fuck you!" And I have a few explanations on why that answer is valid.

First of all, literature is a form of art. Now, I know you probably already know that (DUH!). But what you might have forgotten is that art is subjective. What I like and love isn't necessarily liked or loved by someone else and vice versa. So I'm pretty sure I can give the title "art" to anything I want to give it to. And that's true for music, it's true for sculpture, painting, cinema, theater and so on. I don't remember it being illegal to like something someone else doesn't.

Second of all, I'd like to invite those who try to tell me I'm reading crappy books to put it all on the table. You want to analyse what I enjoy? Fine, let's do that, I won't mind it. But let's do the same with your tastes in literature. I'll bet you most of those people will tell you that Lolita is a wonderful piece of literature and that it's 100% better than the erotic romance I'm reading. So basically a book about an older man and an underage girl is better than two consenting adults. That has me confuddled.

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Now, you might argue that I just simplified the meaning of Nabokov's book and I did. I know that. But don't you do the same with me when you say I should be ashamed of the books I enjoy reading? Don't you simplify and belittle something that you haven't even read (just like I haven't read Lolita) just because you think "modern" literature is crap? Isn't that the same thing? 

Another thing that you should think about while some people try to make you feel bad for what you read. Over the last few years there have been a lot of studies that prove the benefits of reading. I won't get into them, because then this post would never end, but basically reading is good for you. I've read some of those studies (not all, just a few) and I have yet to encounter one that says the positive long-term effects apply to certain genres or authors. Reading in general is good for you, no matter what it is that you read. So there's another reason why books and shame don't really belong together in the same sentence.

I could probably spend hours talking about this subject, but the point is this: if it makes you happy, read WHAT YOU WANT and tell everyone that judges you to fuck off. Yes, people might give you strange looks if the book you're holding has a bare-chested hunky guy on the cover, but so what? You're doing something fun that is harmful to no one. Wait, I take that back, it might be harmful to yourself, in case the book is too sexy and you start getting all tingly inside.

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How is reading something you enjoy any different than listening to your favorite band in your car and singing along at the top of your lungs? It's not. My BFF, whom I've known since we were kids, doesn't always like the same bands or songs or books or even movies that I do. Doesn't mean I think she's a bad human. I accept and completely understand that she has her own tastes, just like I have mine. Hell, I'd be freaked out if everyone liked the same things I did. Just remember, don't judge them for not having the same tastes as you do. And when they judge you, just form a fist and extend the middle finger and shove it in their faces. It only matters what you feel and as long as you're happy, that should be enough.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Early Book Review: My Life From Hell by Tellulah Darling

Author: Tellulah Darling
Series: The Blooming Goddess Trilogy #3
Publisher: Te Da Media
Release Date: March 20th 2014
My Rating: 5 cups
Source: Netgalley
Blurb (from Goodreads):

To say that Sophie Bloom is at the top of her game with one only week until spring equinox and the final showdown with Zeus and Hades would be, well, lying. The Goddess of Spring feels more like the Goddess of Bzz Thanks For Playing than the savior of humanity. And could her relationships be any more messed up?

Good times.

Sophie is convinced that things can’t get any worse than crawling back to her mother Demeter and begging for help. But she’s about to find out how very wrong she is.

It’s a race against time for Sophie to implement the big battle strategy in the YA romantic comedy/Greek mythology finale My Life From Hell. Love meets comedy with a whole lot of sass in book three of this teen fantasy romance series. Save herself; save the world. Humanity may be screwed.

It's always bittersweet to read the last installment of a series, especially when it's of a series that I loved as much as I loved The Blooming Goddess trilogy. I remember the first thing that struck me and that made me want to keep reading this series was the fact that it used mythology as a starting point, but it made it in such a great way that it didn't feel like a caricature, like something I couldn't believe in. Reading about Kai and Festos and all others, I really believed they were gods and that's something that to me seems a bit difficult.

Sophie grows a lot in this book. I think by the end of it we see her being a mature young woman, one that has accepted her past and her role and her obligations, as well as her needs. She's come to terms with what it means to be a goddess, but also with herself as a person. There was such a great scene towards the end where she accepts certain things about herself and it's like she becomes a better version of herself in an instant. It's one of my favorite scenes, even though it was a little bit sad.

I liked that there were a lot of questions from the previous books that got their answers. It was a great thing, seeing all the things I've wondered about get answers. There were also some aspects of the story I never even thought of, some interesting facts I never expected to get.

There were a lot of emotional scenes in this book, some of them downright painful and most of them were completely unexpected. I loved the ending and I thought it was the perfect way to end Sophie's story. I can't imagine a better way to say goodbye to her and to her friends *sniff*sniff*

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Saturday, March 15, 2014

Book Review: Reaver by Larissa Ione

Author: Larissa Ione
Series: Lords of Deliverance #5
Publisher: Forever
Release Date: December 17th 2013
My Rating: 5 cups
Source: Netgalley
Blurb (from Goodreads):


Reaver is an angel with a past, a record, and a less-than-heavenly attitude. Powerful enough to fight alongside the fiercest battle angels-and crazy enough to risk his wings on a one-way mission to hell-he's agreed to go where no angel has ever gone steal the most seductive and dangerous prize of Satan himself.


Harvester is one of the Fallen, a once-heroic angel who sacrificed her wings to work as an undercover agent in hell. But now her cover has been blown, and she's been doomed to an eternity of agonizing torture. Even if Reaver can snatch her away from Satan's lair, even if they can fight their way out of the underworld's darkest depths, there is one thing Harvester can never escape-her newfound thirst for an angel's blood...

I've been waiting for this book for what seems like forever. I was a very happy nerd when I heard Reaver was getting his own story and that Harvester was going to be his lady. I had my fingers crossed for this pairing for a long, long time. I might've happy danced when I heard the news. And maybe I squealed a little bit.

I think it's safe to say that Reaver is my favorite angel, fallen or otherwise. He's such a fantastic character. I love his sarcasm, his wits, his "don't fuck with me" aura. I also like that he's always following his instincts. But more than that (and his hotness) I love that there's always something more about him, there's always another layer to his personality and to who he really is. There were some mind-blowing things that he uncovers about himself and his past. Did I mention he's really, really hot?

Harvester... What can I say about her? I really liked her, even in the beginning, when she was on the bad side of things and she was acting like a bitch. There was just something about her. Her story was heartbreaking to me. It was surprising to see how much good there was in her, even though she's spent so much time in Hell. I think I loved her more with each new detail and with each new story of her past.

The biggest surprise of this book was Revenant. I did a double take when I realized there were not one, but two awesome angels. Talk about fantasies right there! But this is one of the reasons I love this series and Ione's work. Just when you think you know what's happening, you get a huge surprise like this one. I actually did not expect Revenant to be who he turned out to be. And no, the name didn't clue me in. I was completely shocked. But also very happy, because it means there's more stories to come. *rubs hands*

There were a lot of twists and turns, a lot of sad moments, a lot of happy moments and some very sexy scenes. I loved uncovering the truth about Harvester and Reaver and I loved the fact that just because a creature is an angel, doesn't mean he/she is on the side of Good and the same you can say about demons/fallen angels. I'm curious what will happen in the world in the future and I can't wait to find out more about Revenant.

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