Friday, May 1, 2015

Mini-update and hiatus

Hey guys! So I know I've been missing a lot. I'm spending my time trying to write my thesis so I can finish it by July. I am so ready to be done with this school stuff, TBH.

I posted this on Twitter earlier, but I thought I'd share this on my blog too. I won't have internet for a while. I don't know how much time before I'll be able to post again. Hopefully, the guys from the internet will move fast and in a couple of weeks I'll be back, but I can't be sure. Anyway, just wanted to let you know. I might be able to check my email, but I'm not really sure about that.

I hope you have a great Friday, a better weekend and happy reading, fellow book lovers! See you in a while *smooches*

Monday, April 20, 2015

Obsessed with covers #19: The Immortal Heights, Ink and Bone & The Isle of the Lost

Y'all know how much I love a pretty cover. I think about...40% of the books that end up on my shelves (be they physical or digital) do so because of the covers. Call me shallow but you have to admit that a pretty, shiny cover will catch your eye faster than a dull, boring one. Two, simple rules that I'll follow:

  • 1, 2 or 3 (no more than 3, though) covers per week;
  • books should be new-ish; no more than 2 years old.
Oh, before I share the covers that made me drool or want to stare at them for hours and hours, I have to say something. This is a semi-original idea. Why semi? Because almost every book blogger has something similar. The only thing I came up with was the title. If by any chance there's another blogger with a similar feature with the same title, I assure you I'm not stealing your idea. I'm just THAT bad with titles. Believe me, I'd love to be smarter and have a witty name for this feature, but I don't. So, no copyright infringement/theft/steal or anything of the sort was desired. All I can say is sorry :P


So, here are the prettiest covers I've seen this week.
 This is such a gorgeous cover! It has dragons on it! And they spit out (or breath, however you want to see it!) lightning. Aside from that, the colors used are fantastic. I do hope that in real life the colors are a little bit stronger. I totally need this series on my shelf, because all books have gorgeous covers.

The Immortal Heights - Sherry Thomas
 This is so pretty! First of all, the font used for the title is so, so awesome. It makes me think of those really old books you see in museums. And then there's a glimpse of old books sitting on a shelf, which is so great. And Goodreads says this is a book about books, so that is even more awesome. However, what I like most are the two lions in the back, that kind of make the entire upper part of the cover look like a giant coat of arms. Or like a coat of arms is hidden behind the ink stain. Also, the quote at the end of the cover is great, because knowledge really is power :)

Ink and Bone - Rachel Caine
This is such a cute cover! I love the font used for the title. And I love how simple the cover is. I'd like to see it in real life, but I really hope that the thorns or the title is embossed.

The Isle of the Lost - Melissa De La Cruz

Friday, April 17, 2015

Follow Friday #20

Welcome to Follow Friday hosted this week by Parajunkee and Alison!
The main idea behind FF is just to go see a bunch of new blogs you may never have seen before, and follow the ones you like (and they’ll follow you back!) It’s a total win/win, so take a peek around!

This week’s question is:

Here is €/£/$100,000. Buy something. Anything at all! What would be the first thing you choose, and why?

I'd buy a house. Or make the deposit for one. OR I could invest the money (which for truth's sake, I'll never be able to, because when it comes to economics, I'm in way, waaaay over my head, but this is a hypothetical situation, right? :P ) and after a while I'd be able to build my dream house, which includes a huge library *dreamy sigh*

What would you do it someone gave you €/£/$100,000 ?
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