Monday, October 10, 2016

Book Blitz + Giveaway: Confessions of an Undercover Girlfriend by Kay Marie

Confessions of an Undercover Girlfriend
Kay Marie
(Confessions #2)
Publication date: October 11th 2016
Genres: Comedy, New Adult, Romance
So, I’m no longer a virgin sex columnist—thank you, Ollie—but if I thought that was going to make my life easier, boy was I wrong! Johnis back in town determined to win my forgiveness. Blythe is more ready than ever to take me down. Bridget is totally onto the new twinkle in my eye. And, well, Ollie is just as distractingly delicious as usual.
So, naturally, I have a few more confessions to make.
Confession #1: I came up with what I thought would be the perfect plan to keep my relationship with Ollie a secret—pretend to get back together with John!
Confession #2: It backfired. A lot.
Sequel to:
Meet Skylar Quinn!
Name: Skylar Quinn – Skye to her friends, and well, anyone else who wants!
Occupation: Newspaper assistant and reluctant sex columnist…
Who Is She? Skylar is the main character of Confessions ofa Virgin Sex Columnist! —the story is told in her first person narration. She’s a virgin, a sex columnist, and is, well, pretty much totally anxious about the whole thing. Throw in the secret crush on her best friend’s brother, who also happens to be her new roommate, and you might understand her frequent heart palpitations
Loves: Ollie! No, wait…she used to. She still does? Well, you guys can decide because Skye and I sure can’t! Other loves include coffee, desserts, sugary things in general, reading by the windowsill while it rains, cheesy love scenes, and writing of course—especially when said writing doesn’t include fabricating sexual scenarios for her column.
Hates: High heels, hitting on guys, the never-ending embarrassing moments that seem to plague her life, lying in general (yeah, I see the irony here), and, what did I forget? Oh, right. Ollie!
Guilty Pleasures: Reality television binge watching sessions with Bridget, and, um, secretly watching Ollie flex his biceps out of the corner of her eye!
You can visit my pinterest board now for all of the character images and the original websites where I found them! Thank you!
Pinterest link:

Author Bio:
Bestselling author Kaitlyn Davis writes young adult fantasy novels under the name Kaitlyn Davis and contemporary romance novels under the name Kay Marie.
Always blessed with an overactive imagination, Kaitlyn has been writing ever since she picked up her first crayon and is overjoyed to share her work with the world. When she's not daydreaming, typing stories, or getting lost in fictional worlds, Kaitlyn can be found indulging in some puppy videos, watching a little too much television, or spendingtime with her family. If you have any questions for her--about her books, about scheduling an event, or just in general--you may contact her at:
To stay up-to-date with all of Kaitlyn's new releases, sign up for her new release newsletter here:


Book Review: The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater

Author: Maggie Stiefvater
Series: The Raven Cycle #1
Audience: +15
Genre: YA, Fantasy
Publisher: Scholastic Press
Release Date: September 18th 2012
My Rating: 3 cups
Source: Amazon
Blurb (from Goodreads):
Every year, Blue Sargent stands next to her clairvoyant mother as the soon-to-be dead walk past. Blue never sees them--until this year, when a boy emerges from the dark and speaks to her.

His name is Gansey, a rich student at Aglionby, the local private school. Blue has a policy of staying away from Aglionby boys. Known as Raven Boys, they can only mean trouble.

But Blue is drawn to Gansey, in a way she can't entirely explain. He is on a quest that has encompassed three other Raven Boys: Adam, the scholarship student who resents the privilege around him; Ronan, the fierce soul whose emotions range from anger to despair; and Noah, the taciturn watcher who notices many things but says very little.

For as long as she can remember, Blue has been warned that she will cause her true love to die. She doesn't believe in true love, and never thought this would be a problem. But as her life becomes caught up in the strange and sinister world of the Raven Boys, she's not so sure anymore.

I know I'm a little late reading this book, as per usual with me and super hyped books, but I figured I should give it a try, especially now that the last book in the series is out.

It's rare that a book confuses me so much, that I don't know what rating to give it. But that's genuinely what I'm feeling right now. I've struggled with writing this review, not because I didn't enjoy reading this book, but because I'm so effin' confused here.

The thing that had me the most confused is the writing style. I won't lie to you, guys, I found this book to be too slow-paced for me. But the writing style made up for it. It was complicated, and yet so simple, beautiful and slightly scary at the same time. There's just something that the way Stiefvater writes hooked me, and kept me keep on reading, even if I didn't particularly root for the main characters. If you follow Stiefvater on social media, if you've read at least one of her blog posts, you've probably noticed that she has a way with words that not many people have, I don't think. And it's the same way with The Raven Boys, and I can see why so many people fell in love with her writing style, because I definitely did.

Now let's go back to the characters. Blue is a strange girl, because she's quite normal, compared to her family. But I found her a bit too... bland, if you know what I mean. She definitely wears her disappointment of the fact that she doesn't have any real powers of her own as you would a jacket or something, so it's really out there, and that kind of made me not be a super huge fan of hers. Also, the fact that she constantly has to take care to not kiss anyone because she might kill them was a bit strange. I understand that her family has all sorts of powers, but are we really sure that that's what's going to happen? Because I have a feeling that Blue might challenge that premonition. She's really careful, a girl that doesn't take a lot of chances, a lonely girl. I definitely enjoyed seeing her relax and enjoy the company of other kids, of strangers, and becoming friends with them, even if they are the Aglionby boys.

Speaking of the boys, I have a confession to make. Ronan and Adam, combined, reminded me of Michael from Rosswell. The TV version, because I haven't yet read the books. I love Ronan, and I kind of like Adam, but they reminded me so, so much of Michael, that I was trying not to swoon. (Michael is my favorite, but that's a different story). I'm super excited to read more about Ronan, actually, to find out about his story more, and understand exactly what it is that he can do, as well as how will this ability influence the events of the entire story. Gansey...yeah, he kind of annoyed me a little bit. Just a bit. I admire his dedication or solving one of history's mysteries, although I'm not sure I understood his motivation. I think there's more to Gansey's story that I hope we get to learn more about in the following books. And Noah, my sweet, sweet Noah. I'm not sure I know what to say about him, other than wow. I definitely want to know more about this mysterious guy.

Halfway through the book, I kind of got to get used to the writing style, and with the pacing, and a little detail that surfaced about one of the four boys hooked me in for good. Let's just say that what was revealed was so unexpected, that it surprised the hell out of me. But it was an interesting detail, and I'm curious to see what exactly will that "provoke" in the future, what consequences does that have on the future of all of the characters.

I saw that people who reread this book, after reading the last one, said that there's a ton of foreshadowing happening in The Raven Boys, so I'm really curious to see what happens in the future. I'll definitely read The Dream Thieves. I don't know when, but I will.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

September Wrap-up

Hello my lovely fellow book readers! I'm super excited for October, guys! September is nice and all, but it's October that has my heart during the fall season. Let's face it, it's all about Halloween with me. 

I'm kinda sad to say that I haven't read as much in September as I wanted to. I did have some personal stuff to deal with, that made me not want to read as much during this month. I did manage to read a few of the books I had on my TBR for this month. I admit to getting a bit nuts with the request button on Netgalley, as well with blog tour sign-ups, which is why most of the books I read were extras. Oh well #sorrynotsorry.

I also wrote a few reviews. I'm actually proud of how many I managed to write. I seem to have found my muse again, which is a nice thing. Here are the reviews I wrote:

I don't have any plans yet as to what to read this month. I do have some blog tours coming up, and I'm continuing on binge reading the Masters and Mercenaries series by Lexi Blake, but other than that I don't have a definitive TBR. I might try to pick up some of the books that are on my Fall TBR

What about you guys? Did you read all the books you wanted to read during September? What are your plans for October? 
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