Series: Breeds #23
Audience: +18
Genre: Paranormal Romance, Erotic Romance
Publisher: Berkley Books
Release Date: September 25th 2018
My Rating: 4.5 Cups
Source: Own Copy
Blurb (from Goodreads):
The Breeds are humans altered before conception with the DNA of the predators of Earth. But although they all carry the genetic material of beasts within them, Cassandra Sinclair stands apart. A unique mix of wolf, coyote and human, she is revered by many—but preyed upon by others. She is fiercely protected by her community…but no one manages to stop her when she slips away one day to offer her body in exchange for her sister’s safety.
The man she succumbs to surprises her by unleashing her inner animal in ways she never dreamed possible—and provokes her deep, furious rage. To Cassie’s shock, he is the mate she has long awaited. She may never be able to forgive his deception. Still, as dangerous enemies track her, and as the threat of all-out war between Breeds and the humans who despise them hovers in the air, they must join forces and hold fast to each other.
But the passionate union between them holds a potential that could change the world—and some will do anything to stop it…
*Disclaimer: This book contains mature content. As a result, my review may contain references to content intended for mature audiences only.
**Disclaimer: My review won't contain spoilers about Cross Breed, but it probably will include spoilers for previous books. With this being book 23 (actually 33 if you count the novellas) in the Breeds series, spoilers cannot be avoided.
I did it, guys. I finally did it!!! I read Cross Breed!! Let me tell you, it wasn't easy convincing myself to read this book. We all know I have a fear of reading my most anticipated books (which I call unicorns, by the way), so I decided to read this during a sleepless night this week. Guys, the wait of over 10 years for this book was worth it. And more.