Down The TBR Hole is hosted by Lia @ Lost In A Story
Hello dear book lovers and welcome to another post in the Down The TBR Hole feature hosted by the awesome Lia.
You already know the drill, let's get started!
Today we start the count at 2937. It's not a mistake, in case you're wondering, since last time we ended things with 2939 books, I just read 2 books from my TBR. YAS BABY! *happy dance* Anyway, off we go.

You already know the drill, let's get started!
Today we start the count at 2937. It's not a mistake, in case you're wondering, since last time we ended things with 2939 books, I just read 2 books from my TBR. YAS BABY! *happy dance* Anyway, off we go.

- I have no memory of adding Good Girls Don't but reading the blurb it kind of makes sense why I added it. The blurb made me curious about the story, so I'm definitely going to read this book. Verdict: It stays
- I remember back in 2008 discovering a book that had psychologists and vampires in it, and being insanely happy. I don't have any excuse for not picking up The Vampire Shrink before now, really. I do plan on reading it soon, so it definitely stays on the list. However, I'm going to take the other two books off the TBR list for now, because I'm not 100% sure the blurbs call to me enough to make me want to go past the first book. Time will tell, and if I'll love the book enough, I'll add them back. Verdict: It stays
- The Medici Secret, like all thriller mysteries on my TBR, sounds like something I'd enjoy. Unfortunately, all of my previous attempts to read books based on the Medici family have all been misses. Not sure why exactly, but it certainly doesn't make me as excited about this book as I'd like to be. Verdict: It goes
- Aside from my love of chick lit and cartoonish covers, I'm also insanely drawn to titles inspired by lyrics and songs. So of course a book like (Un)like a Virgin will end up on my TBR. The blurb makes the story sound like something I'd enjoy, especially in this moment in my life, so I'm definitely going to read this book. Probably I'll even bump it a little in terms of priority. Verdict: It stays
- I've always been a sucker for stories of second chances, and An Autumn Crush sounds just like right up my alley. Verdict: It stays
- I don't know why I haven't yet read Time Untime. I think at the time it came out I had just binged on the entire series, and I kind of needed to take a small break from the Dark Hunters. Not forever, because it's one of my favorite series out there, but I wanted just a short break. It's not even a question of if I'm going to read it, it's more a question of when, because I've forgotten the finer details of the series and I definitely need a quick update on them. Verdict: It stays
- I don't remember adding The Game Of Love in my TBR, but I'm certainly interested in it. I can tell I added it back when I was on a sports romance kick, so it's not there by mistake, of that I'm certain. Verdict: It stays
- Another book I don't remember adding is With Good Behavior, but reading the blurb I know exactly why. The heroine is apparently a psychologist that did something to break the ethical code and I'm curious to see exactly what that thing was. I have some ideas, and although I have super high expectations, I want to see how the author approached the subject, because it's a really delicate one. The ethical code is really important for us, so I wonder where the story goes. Verdict: It stays
- Oh, my dear Sookie. See, anytime I see one of these books on my TBR I sigh a little. I won't go into a lot of detail in this post, because this is not about that, but there are some things that have been keeping me from reading the ending of the series. Spoilers aside, I've always been reluctant to go on and finish this series. I'll most likely change my mind, because I'm curious to see what brought the ending, but I'm taking my sweet time. Also I'm not 100% excited about Deadlocked, but I'll still read it. Eventually. Verdict: It stays
- See what I said about song inspired book titles? Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow is definitely proof of my love of such titles. And yes, before you ask, I definitely sing the title in my head, because how can people stop themselves from doing that? I may also remember this song from the Dirty Dancing soundtrack, so that may have played a part in why I noticed this book. This story however sounds like something I'd enjoy, so I'm thinking of reading this book probably sooner than anticipated. Verdict: It stays
I know I usually make more progress, but I'm having tons of ideas for new posts and I'm thinking about cutting this one short so I can get to writing all the other posts before my muse shuts up.
Here's today's progress: Out of 10 books, I only eliminated 1 book, however I also eliminated the second and third books that come right after The Vampire Shrink, and that means I now have 2934 books on my TBR. Not an insanely big progress, but not bad either. At least I'm not going up anymore.