Monday, January 7, 2013

Early Book Review: Broken by A.E. Rought

Author: A.E. Rought
Series: -
Publisher: Strange Chemistry
Release Date: January 8th 2013
My Rating:4.5 cups
Blurb (from Goodreads):

Imagine a modern spin on Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein where a young couple’s undying love and the grief of a father pushed beyond sanity could spell the destruction of them all.

A string of suspicious deaths near a small Michigan town ends with a fall that claims the life of Emma Gentry's boyfriend, Daniel. Emma is broken, a hollow shell mechanically moving through her days. She and Daniel had been made for each other, complete only when they were together. Now she restlessly wanders the town in the late Fall gloom, haunting the cemetery and its white-marbled tombs, feeling Daniel everywhere, his spectre in the moonlight and the fog.

When she encounters newcomer Alex Franks, only son of a renowned widowed surgeon, she's intrigued despite herself. He's an enigma, melting into shadows, preferring to keep to himself. But he is as drawn to her as she is to him. He is strangely... familiar. From the way he knows how to open her locker when it sticks, to the nickname she shared only with Daniel, even his hazel eyes with brown flecks are just like Daniel's.

The closer they become, though, the more something inside her screams there's something very wrong with Alex Franks. And when Emma stumbles across a grotesque and terrifying menagerie of mangled but living animals within the walls of the Franks' estate, creatures she surely knows must have died from their injuries, she knows.

I have to be honest and say that this was another one of those "Oooh, pretty cover *clicks for request*" situations. I had already read a review on this book and I had read the blurb, but since I haven't read the original Frankenstein, I had no idea what it was about. Oh, sure, I've heard about Frankenstein and his monster before (I think I might have seen this monster in a cartoon or so before, too) but hey, I don't like the classics *shrugs*.

I did love this book, though. There's a mixture of cute, funny, dramatic, creepy, romantic, sad, mysterious, dark, with some teenage angst and fights with overprotective parents. And it was a good mix. It had basically everything I could wish for.

I really liked Emma. She started out as a sad teenager, mourning the loss of her boyfriend, and blossomed towards the end of the book. I also liked her dreams. Those were very creepy.

Alex is one of those mysterious until the end character. I couldn't figure him out. I liked the way he treated Emma and how he helped her when she needed it. And he seemed kind of old school, with the proper attitude towards her and their relationship and towards her parents. I liked that.

Something happened while I was reading this book. See, if you read the blurb closely, you might realize what I'm talking about. It's practically like a mantra: "Alex, Daniel, Daniel, Alex, Alex, Daniel". But this is one of those moments where my brain reverses the information it receives. For more than half of this book I thought the connection between the two boys was the exact opposite. So when I got to the ending of the book, I think I had my eyes open very, very wide (think about those big, round plates they bring you when you order pizza in a restaurant). Yes, I was that surprised by the ending. It really is good when a book surprises me that much.

There's another character in this book that surprised me, but this time not in a good way. I thought Josh was a nice guy at first. Then things happened and I realized how wrong I was. Part of me was sad about it. I mean, I loved the initial banter between him and Emma, they were quite funny. Oh well.

The reason why I can't give this book 5 cups is a small one, really: the ending felt too... abrupt. Part of me wanted a "Years later" chapter. I wanted to see them safe, still together, sure that they do in fact love each other and not a memory or an idea of what the other should/could be.

I have to say I was surprised by this book. I feel more open to "classic tale" retellings now, than I was before I read Broken. So if you like the story of Frankenstein and want a more modern spin on it, or even if you're like me and have no idea of how the original story goes but you want something different, try this book. I think you'll like it :D

  Almost Perfect photo Image33.png

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Sunday Book Soundtrack #6: Darkfever by Karen Marie Moning


Sunday Book Soundtrack is a weekly feature at Ruby's Books, where I share some of my bookish soundtracks. Since I discovered my passion for reading years ago, I've discovered that more and more of the songs I loved remind me of certain books. So I thought I'd share my playlists with you. If you want to listen to the songs, I'll post a link to a Youtube videos for each and every title. No copyright infringement intended! I'll try to find the official videos for each song. There's no set number for each playlist, sometimes I might have 10, sometimes 5, sometimes if I'm one of my moods I'll have 15. If you want to read more about this feature, click the "show more" button below. 

This week's book soundtrack is Darkfever by Karen Marie Moning (read my review here)

As you know, last year I finally gave in and started reading this series. I'm soon going to read the third book (I think these first 2 months will not be full of reading due to my mad schedule *pout*). 

Here's the playlist for this book:

  1. Screamin' Jay Hawkins - I Put A Spell On You
  2. Cat Stevens - Wild World
  3. Sully Erna - Broken Road
  4. Melanie C - Never Be The Same Again
  5. Rolling Stones - She's a Rainbow

Friday, January 4, 2013

12 Days of 2012: Day 6 Top 11 Character Crush


Like it often happens with some characters, last year I've developed...well, I wouldn't call it obsession. More like a deep love for those characters. Like a regular crush, only with fictional people. (Boy, that sounds so bad LOL) Anyway, here are the characters that won my heart in 2012 (6 males and 5 females):

Kai - He's a very sexy Nephilim. He also has a British accent *swoon* and he has a unique sense of humor. But what that made me love him a lot were those little moments of vulnerability that he had. Not many, just a few, and they didn't last long. But they were enough to let me know that he really isn't the tough, "I-really-don't-care-about-anything" bad boy he wants everyone to believe he is.
Damon - Oh, a werecat. First, I love cats. Second, his name is just swoon-worthy. He has that Alpha air and behavior, you know? And even though he's sometimes too protective towards Kit, I get why he's doing it. Even though it pisses Kit off. And he's very sexy.

Lothaire  - He's one of my favorite vampires. I think, in some way, he's one of the few "modern" vampires that are very similar to what vampires were intended to be: vicious, wild, scary creatures, yet at the same time, he manages to have a softer, more tender side. And he has red eyes. I mean really, how cool is that?
Dimitri - So you already know why I love him, right? No? Ok, I'll say it one more time (for those of you who already know why, I promise this is the last time I'll say it :P). First, he has AMAZING taste in music (he loves the 80s music *swoon*thud*). Second, he's Russian. I like him for that alone. Yes, he's a bad-ass warrior. Yes, he's sexy. Speaking of sexy, I can't wait to see who they cast in his role. Who do you think should play him?

Rose - I just realized she's the first girl I mentioned so far. Oops. Back to Rose though. I love her sarcasm. That's one of the first things I noticed about her. That and her loyalty towards Lissa.

Eve - As I said before, I was completely blindsided by her. I was so not expecting her to turn out the way she did and I certainly wasn't planning on liking her, much less adore her. But I did. And I really want to read another full book just with her.

Astrid - Astrid is an amazing character. She's a strong, smart female. I loved her and her adventures. And I loved that she managed to work and do something that is usually seen as "male territory": swords, sword fighting, killing dragons. She's a brave woman.
Elena - Can't say just one thing that I loved about her. Her strength, her stubbornness, her sarcasm. Everything about her was amazing. Also, werewolf :)

Clay - He's Elena's male mirror image in my head. Just as strong, as sarcastic, as stubborn. He has no people skills, which makes him even more likeable to me, because he doesn't fake his feelings and he doesn't care if he offends someone by not lying. I like that.

Jeremy - Oh.... Even his name makes me drool. Let's see. He's Alpha. Strong, very smart, very talented (I mean that in a totally non-sexual way), thoughtful, funny. And there's another thing. Remember when Elena goes back to the Pack and she's extremely angry and she's trying to pick a fight but Jeremy doesn't take the bite? I loved that. The way he calmly told her what he needed to say, without once snapping at her. I loved that  about him and it's the first thing that made me notice him.

Jaime - Funny, cute, very sexy. And she has the ultimate, perfect boyfriend!!

Jeremy - Now, wait, before you say it ain't fair for Jeremy to be mentioned twice, I just have one itty bitty thing to add to the description above: this time, his talent really is in a sexual way *giggles* Seriously though, I liked seeing him acting a little bit like the wolf I think he is rather than the Alpha that has to be protected at all times. I realize that he's not exactly allowed to jump in front of damsels in distress to protect them from the bad guys and put himself in danger, but it was nice to see his step away from that role a little.

So, which characters made you fall in love with them in 2012?

Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Authors Challenge 2013

Disclaimer: Artwork used (with permission) for the button is Anglerfish by Vlad Gerasimov.

This was another awesome reading challenge. I thought I'd enter again, see what new authors I discover this year. The Challenge is hosted by Jackie from Literary Escapism

Here are the guidelines:

  1. The challenge will run from January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
  2. Since this is an author challenge, there is no restriction on choosing your novels. They can definitely be from other challenges. However, the authors must be new to you and, preferably from novels. Anthologies are a great way to try someone new, but only a third of your new authors can be from anthologies.
  3. You can pick to do either 15, 25 or 50 new authors. It all depends on how fast you read and how adventurous you want to be. If you reach your goal halfway through the year, don’t stop. Any new author you try can be added to Mr. Linky. We all want to know about your new experience.
  4. After reading your new author, write your review and then come back here and add your link to Mr. Linky. Make sure you include your name and the author, but adding the title is completely up to you.
  5. Bloggers or Non-Bloggers alike are welcome. You don’t have to have a site to participate. You can link up via Facebook, GoodReads or even Amazon if you’d like.
Like last year, I'm going to try to read 25 new authors. If it happens that I read more, that's fine. 

For more details or to sign up, go to Jackie's post here.

I'll post the books below, as I read them.

  1. Chelsea M. Cameron - Deeper We Fall
  2. J.A. Redmerski - The Edge Of Never
  3. Rachel Van Dyken - Elite
  4. Rachel Cohn & David Levithan - Dash & Lily's Book Of Dares
  5. Dan Wells - Partials
  6. Kim Barnouin - Skinny Bitch In Love
  7. Jennifer L. Armentrout - Shadows
  8. Emma Grayson - Unbeautifully Loved
  9. Leila Howland - Nantucket Blue
  10. Jamie Mcguire - Beautiful Disaster
  11. Samaire Provost - Mad World Epidemic
  12. Debra Driza - Mila 2.0
  13. Tellulah Darling - My Ex From Hell
  14. Julie Smith - Death Turns A Trick
  15. A.E. Rought - Broken
  16. Mindee Arnett - The Nightmare Affair
  17. Stifyn Emrys - Identity Break
  18. Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl - Beautiful Creatures
  19. Veronica Roth - Divergent
  20. Cassandra Rose Clarke - The Assassin's Curse
  21. Kelly Keaton - Darkness Becomes Her

2013 TBR Pile Reading Challenge

I really loved doing this challenge last year. I manage to make my TBR mountain look less frightening. Of course, for every book I read, I added about 2 or 3 more, but let's not focus on that :P

So, like I said. I loved it and I decided to sign up again this year.

Like last year, this challenge is hosted by Evie from Bookish. Here are the guidelines:
  1. This challenge will run from Jan 1, 2013 - Dec 31, 2013.
  2. Anyone can enter! You don't have to be a blogger, as long as you review the book you've read! (On your blog, Amazon or Goodreads/Shelfari!)
  3. Any genre, length or format of book counts, as long as it is a book that's been sitting on your shelf for some time now. Only books released in 2012 and earlier! NO 2013 ARCs and 2013 fresh-off-the-press releases allowed!
  4. You can list your books in advance or just put them in a wrap-up post. If you list them, feel free to change them as the mood takes you.
  5. When you sign up in the linky, put the direct link to your post about joining the 2013 TBR PILE Reading Challenge. (If you don't have a blog, post about it on Facebook or Tweet!)
  6. You can move up levels, but no moving down.
  7. Sign-ups will be open until Dec 15, 2013, so feel free to join at any time throughout the year.
  8. On the 20th of each month one of the hosts will post a wrap-up. Every wrap-up will have it's unique theme, a mini-challenge, a giveaway and place for you to link up your reviews from this month. For each review you link up, you will get one entry in a drawing of one book of choice from Book Depository. It's open to INTERNATIONALS. The giveaway will be open until the next wrap up post goes up! (i.e. the entire month)
  9. If you miss a wrap-up post + giveaway, you can link up your reviews next month. Do not, however, try to link up one review twice - we will be checking ;) 
  10. December is a wrap-up for the whole year. All the book reviews you linked up January-November + the ones you'll link up in December will be entered into a HUGE giveaway - a box of books. 
  11. You don't have to follow all the hosts to join the challenge, but you do have to follow all of us to be entered in giveaways!
 Levels: (how many books you're planning to read for this challenge in 2013)

1-10 - A Firm Handshake
11-20 - A Friendly Hug
21-30 - A Sweet Kiss
31-40 - Love At First Sight
41-50 - Married With Children

I decided to go with A Sweet Kiss this year. Who knows, maybe that mountain of books will look like a pile again. 

Anyway, if you want to sign up, or check the details, or to read more about the awesome giveaways, read Evie's post here.

Have fun reading!

P.S: I'll be listing the books as I read them, y'all know I'm bad with respecting the lists I make for myself when it comes to reading. :P

  1. Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl - Beautiful Creatures
  2. Jamie Mcguire - Beautiful Disaster
  3. J.A. Redmerski - The Edge Of Never
  4. Rachel Cohn & David Levithan - Dash & Lily's Book Of Dares
  5. Jennifer L. Armentrout - Shadows
  6. Jennifer L. Armentrout - Obsidian
  7. Jennifer L. Armentrout - Onyx
  8. Jennifer L. Armentrout - Opal
  9. Dan Wells - Partials
  10. Veronica Roth - Divergent
  11. Sherrilyn Kenyon - Infamous
  12. Jaci Burton - Taking A Shot
  13. Jaci Burton - Play to Win
  14. Cassandra Rose Clarke - The Assassin's Curse
  15. Kelly Keaton - Darkness Becomes Her

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Movie Review: The Hobbit

It's been a while since I've had a complete geek moment related to movies. I thought that after the last Harry Potter movie, there wouldn't be another one. I was completely wrong and boy, am I glad I was.

I remember I read The Hobbit ten years ago and ever since I've been waiting to see if there was going to be a movie. I know I've said it many, many times, that I think the Lord of the Rings books are a little better than the movies (let's be honest, have you ever seen a movie better than the book it was based on?), but I was sure that if the same cast (or at least part of it) were to appear in a movie based on The Hobbit, then that movie would be awesome. And I was right.

It's been a while since I read the book, but the movie was done so well, it made me remember some of my favorite scenes in the book. The trolls, the game of riddles, the scene where all the dwarves are making poor Bilbo go nuts, everything was perfectly made. And the opening scene of the movie... I actually sighed when I saw it. It's perfect and if you've seen the first trilogy, you should know why. I loved how it was tied together with those first movies. It was just... maybe it sounds a bit stupid, but it was like I took a time capsule and I remembered when Frodo surprised Gandalf in the movie, telling him "You're late!". I loved that.

If you've read the book, you might have seen that some scenes from the movie weren't in the book, but they were done perfectly and they didn't bother me at all. They looked and felt like it was natural for those scenes to be part of the story.

Let's talk characters. I believe Martin Freeman did an excellent job and he got the essence of Bilbo perfectly. I don't think I'll ever be able to imagine another better Bilbo. Just like Ian McKellen is the one and only possible actor that could play Gandalf.

The surprise was Richard Armitage, who played Thorin. I remember seeing Armitage in the TV show Robin Hood as Guy of Gisborne and I always considered him one of the best actors that I've seen that played a villain so well, yet managed to be sexy while doing it. I never had a thing for villains. They were bad guys and that was that. But seeing him in the role of Gisborne made me root for his character (and swoon and drool), even while I was wishing he'd fail in his quests. So it was a good surprise seeing him as the dwarf in this movie. He played the part very well and he made Thorin look fierce and  (yes, again :P ) sexy at the same time.

All the other new characters did amazing jobs and I can't wait to see the next two movies. Then you have Cate Blanchett, which I just completely adore, especially as Galadriel. And Andy Serkis is brilliant in his role as Gollum.

The music is, as I expected, beautiful. I love what the composer, Howard Shore, managed to create for the original movie trilogy and he did an amazing job for this movie as well. I'm sure the next two movies will have soundtracks just as beautiful as this one.

There isn't a thing I can think of that I wish was different. I think that's a first for me. Or maybe I'm just that big of a geek. I don't know, honestly. I loved the movie. And I'm honestly waiting for that moment, years from now, when I'll do a complete The Hobbit - Lord of the Rings movie marathon.

Of course, being the complete Tolkien fan that I am, I have to be honest and say that a little part of me is hoping for maybe a TV show based on the Silmarillion book. *le sigh*

So, have you seen the movie and if yes, what did you think of it?
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