Blogoween is hosted by Clo @ Book Dragons | Banner made by me, a.k.a Ruby, using Canva
First, let me tell you that in neither of the two countries I've lived in so far is Halloween celebrated the way we see in American movies. Yes, there are costumed parties, but trick or treating is not something we do, and unfortunately neither is yard decorating. The last part hurts my soul to be honest, because I have so many ideas for yard decorating it's embarrassing, really. Anyway, here's how my perfect trick or treating night would go:
The Setting: I've been thinking about this long and hard, and I want to visit Larissa Ione's Demonica world. Why? There's angels, demons, vampires, werewolves, and, even more awesome, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Well, actually three horsemen and a horsewoman. This is the ideal world. Not only that, but because of the Demonica Underworld stories, we know there's elves, AND there was that story that connected this series to Lexi Blake's Masters & Mercenaries series, so I'd get the best deal ever. And since Lexi Blake and Sophie Oak are two pen names of the same author, and she's currently re-publishing her Sophie Oak books and connecting them to the previously mentioned M&M series...you get the point, right? See, I've got it all planned out. But back to the Demonica world. I'd love to visit ALL planes of existence, and I figure I could maybe, probably, most definitely beg and convince Limos, the Horsewoman, to take me to all of them. I'm also certain Azagoth has the best treats, because he wants to be on good terms with his wife AND his sons and daughters. So there's that.
The Team: Now listen. I need a keeper, because me and the promise of so many sweet treats is a dangerous combination, so I'm probably going to drag Charlie from Lexi Blake's Masters & Mercenaries series with me. I'll also have Harvester and Limos with me, from the Demonica series, and because I know she needs a night out, I'll take Thierry from Hailey Edwards's Black Dog universe. Oh and Maze, from the Lucifer TV show. I'm also going to include Tabitha from the Dark Hunter series, because I adore her. So this is going to be a girl's night out disguised as a trick or treating session. The treats will probably be alcoholic, because why not?
The Costume: So I'm not 100% sure what I want to be more: a witch or a fallen angel. Oooh or I could be a magically inclined fallen angel. Hmmm....*taps chin* Decisions, decisions...
The Treats: So I'm thinking the night would start at Top, the restaurant that Sean Taggart opened up (from the previously mentioned Lexi Blake series), for all the fun, tasty treats, and then we could go to a bar or something. I'm sure Limos knows some cool bars, right?
See, I'm a big nerd, and my Halloween party would be all bookish. Alas, since so far no one has been able to discover the best way to book-jump, I'll have to stick with rereading my favorite stories.Disclaimer: All the books mentioned above are intended for a mature audience (+18).
What about you? How would your best Halloween party look like?