Day 2: What's your bedtime reading ritual?
I used to read on my laptop a lot, because I didn't have an e-reader, but lately I feel that I need my glasses on or else my eyes get weird, so I've stopped reading at night from the laptop. It probably has something to do with me not having a light on while using it at night, but shhh! Don't tell!
I've been called an owl by my BFF, just because my bedtime hour is way after midnight. I can honestly say that the last time I actually went to bed (and fell asleep) before midnight was 3 years ago, when I had two intense days of exams at university, to get my bachelor's degree. But I usually go to bed at around...say 2, 3 am. So after doing everything I need to do before I go to bed, I start reading at about 1 am and I usually push myself if the book is good. If I like the book I'll do anything in my power to not fall asleep and go on reading. I can function pretty well the next day, I'm not cranky or anything, but I do need more coffee. Also, the real "ritual" that I can think of is to take small breaks after reading several chapters, when I try to find out if my limbs are still working. That's because I forget to change positions, and I'll end up with a stiff back, my legs are in pain and one arm is asleep.
So basically that's my bedtime reading ritual. What's yours?