Day 4 : What's the last book you flung across the room?
Well... I haven't done that so far. I can't stand the idea of hurting or damaging my books, even if it's a book that I don't like. Oh, I might curse them, I might even want to smack them, but any physical reaction I might have from what I'm reading doesn't involve me harming my book.
The only book that almost made me violent enough to want to throw it was Salem's Lot by Stephen King. The pace was too slow, I didn't feel there was enough character building and I felt like nothing was happening. Halfway through the book I gave up and decided the book wasn't for me. But that was the only book that almost got me to the point of throwing it across the room. I resisted the temptation though.
What about you? Did you ever flung a book across the room?
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