Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Cover Reveal: Beyond Control by Karice Bolton

Book Details:

Beyond Control by Karice Bolton
Expected Pub: August 2013
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Gabby’s overcome more than most can even begin to imagine, and she’s barely out of college. With a visible scar that reminds her and the world that she beat the odds, it’s impossible for her to put everything behind her, no matter how hard she tries.

As she begins working at her family’s company, she buries herself in the safety of the corporate world. No extra time, no life, no relationships. It’s safe to say she might be a little demanding and overly ambitious. She’s got everything under control, just how she likes it. After all, life is short.

Jason’s been trying to piece his life together after a personal tragedy, only it’s not working. He’s thrown himself into his work, but he’s only becoming angrier. He’ll never forgive himself and doesn’t expect anyone else to either.

When the back of his vehicle is clipped by an obnoxious limo driver he can’t wait to let the driver have it until he hears Gabby’s voice coming from inside the sedan. There’s something soothing about it, something familiar.

The moment she sees him, she knows her life will never be the same. But she doesn’t know why. He’s everything she said she never wanted. He’s cocky, arrogant, and infuriating. With his dazzling amber eyes, dark hair and chiseled features she can hardly remember where she’s going, let alone where she’s been and maybe that’s a good thing. She begins to let him show her what life could be, if she really lived it.

Neither want their past to define their future, but sometimes destiny has something else in store. It’s only as their love grows and secrets are revealed that they realize a devastating connection from their past might actually tear them apart.

Author Bio:

Karice Bolton is a paranormal romance/urban fantasy author living in the Pacific Northwest. All three books in The Watchers Trilogy are available now, Awakening, Legions, and Cataclysm. Lonely Souls, which is the first book in her new series Witch Avenue, was released in June 2012!

Author Links:

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

15 Day Book Blogger Challenge: Day 10: How Do You Choose What Book To Read Next?

I read about this challenge yesterday on various book blogs that I stalk read and I decided to join in. The challenge  was created by April @ Good Books, Good Wine and I think it's a very good and interesting idea. So here I am :) If you want to do this too, go to her Day 1 page to learn how :D

Want to see past topics? Click on the links below to see them:

       Day 1            Day 6
       Day 2            Day 7
       Day 3            Day 8
       Day 4            Day 9
       Day 5

Day 10: How Do You Choose What Book To Read Next?

You know, I'd love to have a smart answer and say it's a very complex process, during which I read reviews and I check my TBR list and stuff like that, but it would be a complete lie. There are really two major things that determine what I'll read next:

  1. Do I have any books that I received for review? If the answer is yes, then I'll read from this pile. If the answer is no, then it's option number 2.
  2. Option number 2 is to just grab whatever's available at the moment. Or I flip a coin, whichever makes me feel better at the moment.
That's it. I don't have a schedule (can't keep one even if my life depended on it) or a list of books to be read in August, for example. 

What about you? 

Cover Reveal: Shelf Life by Stephanie Lawton

Expected publication: December 2013 by IJP Press

It’s impossible to focus on college biology when your family believes doomsday is imminent and the government is out to get you.

All Pete Wilson’s ever wanted is to become a veterinarian, but those dreams are going up in flames. Commuting to an urban college and helping his parents with their apocalyptic prepper crap is more than he can handle.

Worse, Pete’s asshole neighbor is stirring up trouble, his family’s stockpile has been destroyed and farm animals are turning up dead.

Lindsey Linger is the tomboy sister of his best friend. Now a sexy spitfire, she and Pete are liable to set the barn ablaze as their romance finally heats up. But she’s hiding a terrible secret, and rural life isn’t all bonfires and hayloft romps. That becomes clear one icy winter night when the survival of everyone Pete loves hangs in the balance.

Can Pete be the hero they need, or will this be the end of the world as he knows it?

After collecting a couple English degrees in the Midwest and learning more about agriculture and farming than she ever wanted to know, Stephanie Lawton suddenly awoke in the deepest reaches of the Deep South. Culture shock inspired her to write about Mobile, Alabama, her adopted city, and all the ways Southern culture, history and attitudes seduce the unsuspecting.

A lover of all things gothic, she can often be spotted photographing old cemeteries, historic buildings and, ironically, the beautiful beaches of the Gulf Coast. She also has a tendency to psychoanalyze people, which comes in handy when creating character profiles.

VISIT for a chance to win a SHELF LIFE T-SHIRT!

Monday, July 22, 2013

15 Day Book Blogger Challenge: Day 9: Why do you blog about books?

I read about this challenge yesterday on various book blogs that I stalk read and I decided to join in. The challenge  was created by April @ Good Books, Good Wine and I think it's a very good and interesting idea. So here I am :) If you want to do this too, go to her Day 1 page to learn how :D

Want to see past topics? Click on the links below to see them:

       Day 1            Day 6
       Day 2            Day 7
       Day 3            Day 8
       Day 4 
       Day 5

Day 9: Why do you blog about books?

About 6 months before I got my undergraduate diploma I decided to blog about books (2010). I had a series of minor... scenes let's call them, when I realized book blogging was what I wanted to do in my free time. Nothing major, just various moments throughout my college years when I realized there weren't that many people that shared my complete passion for books and not just any books, but romance books. Oh, I had friends who liked to read, but their choices for reading material are what you'd call "serious". I only personally know about two girls from high school who loved Chick Lit.

Before I made the big decision I was already lurking on some blogs and I already had a Shelfari account, I already discovered numerous other books that I could read. Because I couldn't share my thoughts about the books I was reading with anyone physically next to me, I decided to start a book blog.

Book blogging to me was a way to share my love for books. It didn't even occur to me how many other authors I'd get to love (or befriend). The idea of free books might have crossed my mind, but it really wasn't about it, it was about me wanting to talk about books. It's really difficult to explain to some people why I'd rather read about vampires and werewolves instead of a classic masterpiece. And it's even more difficult to explain it while trying to be respectful, when the other person clearly isn't.

The short answer to this question would be because I love books. Books are the best way to escape from reality and they're the world's best form of entertainment in my opinion. So that's why I do it, that's why I blog about books. What about you?

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Sunday Book Soundtrack #11: The Eternity Cure by Julie Kagawa


Sunday Book Soundtrack is a weekly feature at Ruby's Books, where I share some of my bookish soundtracks. Since I discovered my passion for reading years ago, I've discovered that more and more of the songs I loved remind me of certain books. So I thought I'd share my playlists with you. If you want to listen to the songs, I'll post a link to a Youtube videos for each and every title. No copyright infringement intended! I'll try to find the official videos for each song. There's no set number for each playlist, sometimes I might have 10, sometimes 5, sometimes if I'm one of my moods I'll have 15. If you want to read more about this feature, click the "show more" button below. 

This week's book soundtrack is for The Eternity Cure by Julie Kagawa.

Oh, I'm so happy there are other covers for this book. This cover, the Australian (and New Zealand I think) version is amazing! She's Asian, she has gorgeous red eyes, she could be Allie for all I know :P

  1. Metallica - Nothing Else Matters - Not a big Metallica fan, but this song is perfect for Allie!
  2. Paramore - The Only Exception - Again, good song for Allie
  3. Evanescence - Sweet Sacrifice
  4. Eminem - Sing For The Moment - This song has a great combination of pain, anger, suffering and confusion, the same combo I sometimes feel Allie has.
  5. Jen Titus - Oh Death - If you're a fan of the Supernatural TV show then you probably heard this song before. If not, listen to it. It's creepy and so good. And it fits with the world in this series in my opinion (both the sound and the lyrics). 

15 Day Book Blogger Challenge: Day 8: 15 things that appeal to you on blogs

I read about this challenge yesterday on various book blogs that I stalk read and I decided to join in. The challenge  was created by April @ Good Books, Good Wine and I think it's a very good and interesting idea. So here I am :) If you want to do this too, go to her Day 1 page to learn how :D

Want to see past topics? Click on the links below to see them:

       Day 1
       Day 2 
       Day 3
       Day 4 
       Day 5
       Day 6
       Day 7

Day 8: Quick! Write 15 bullet point things that appeal to you on blogs!

  1. Easy to find follow options. I like when  the links I need for following are easy to spot and all together. I don't exactly like to scroll up and down to find a certain following option.
  2. No music. Just no. Not because of the music itself, but because it makes my laptop freeze for some seconds, during which I pray I don't get the Blue Screen Of Death (Yes, I do have a Vista on my laptop. Yes, I know, it's bad. *shakes head* You don't have to say it, trust me!)
  3. Labels or tags. Here's the thing. I'm a bit of a crazy person who loves lists. Labels for posts help me keep things organized. Like if I want to read only 2 star reviews, I want an option to do that. Or if I want to read just reviews for books of one author, I want that. I love when I see bloggers use labels. I'm not such a big fan of search bars, but I do love labels. 
  4. Unique posts. I know I'm not one of the most original bloggers out there, but I do know there are others who are. I feel special just because I get to read those posts.
  5. Clean look. I like blogs that look clean, neat. Not sterile, clean. A blog that doesn't have all sidebars scattered with no apparent connection between each other.
  6. Comment replies. I think that a blogger who responds to his/her readers who've left comments is a good blogger. Might be 2 weeks late, might be right away, but the response is needed. 
  7. Spoiler-free reviews. I think a good review is one that doesn't give away much. Unless you read a book in another language than English (or the language you're writing in) and you need to translate the blurb and you feel like you should give more info. For instance, if you read a book in Russian, chances are I'll not read it anytime soon, so go ahead and tell me what it's about. 
  8. Funny, witty, slightly sarcastic posts. I love sarcasm a lot. I try not to let it show in my posts, because I overuse it in my daily life, but I do love it. And I love a blogger who can find the right balance between smart and sarcastic.
  9. Honest and respectful. Now, you might think this contradicts the previous point. And you're right, sometimes is does. Here's where sarcasm bothers me a little. Negative reviews. You can use a little sarcasm, that's okay. But there's sarcasm and then there's bitchy. I don't like bitchy in a negative review. State the why, the how and the where to show why you didn't like the book/movie/play/whatever, but don't be bitchy about it. Also, a review for a book is not a review of the author.
  10. Not too many GIFs. I like funny GIFs, I do. Just don't overuse them. 
  11. International Giveaways. Let's face it, who doesn't love giveaways? I especially love those open for international people, like myself :D
  12. Cute design. I like designs that show off a little of the blogger's personality. Some may show that the blogger loves to read about werewolves or loves coffee or something like that. 
  13. Discussion posts. I love to see discussion posts about random things, not just book related, that make me stop and think about that specific topic. 
  14. Old books are cool too. I love reading reviews about ARCs (non-spoilerish reviews, that is) or books that just came out. But I also think bloggers shouldn't ignore books that came out 2-3 years ago, hell, a century ago. I'll read a review of a book that came out a few years ago much faster and with more interest than maybe a book that came out today.
  15. Tips, tricks, tutorials for bloggers. I am always searching for ways to improve my blog, both in content and in look. So I will always follow those bloggers who give good, useful tips on how to do that

I think this is the longest post I've ever written. I'm sorry if it's too much to read *blush* But these the top 15 things that appeal to me on book blogs. What about you? What do you like to see in other blogs?
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