Welcome to another Blogmas post, book lovers! I'm playing catch up this weekend, because this week has been rather hectic and I couldn't find the time to write.
Although we're only halfway through December, I'm already starting to make plans for my reading in 2019, and let me tell you, I am aiming for the stars!
2019 Reading Expectations
- The first thing I want do to in 2019 is to read 200 books. I know, you're looking at me strangely since I still haven't managed to get to my 150 goal for this year. YET. The year isn't over, people! The main reason why I haven't reached my goal so far is because I allowed a few things to keep me from reading: reading slumps, real life being a bitch, et cetera. In the last few months I've worked a system to rotate between reading formats, and that has helped me want to read more and to kick my reading slump's behind.
- The second thing is that I want to focus on backlist books. I've been neglecting some of my older books in 2018, despite me signing up for a few reading challenges dedicated to get me to read more backlist books. I got just a little bit too enthusiastic with Netgalley this year, but I plan on requesting less books and reading older books. They deserve just as much love as new releases in my opinion.
- Another goal I'm setting for myself is to read from my freebies list. I actually started reading from my newsletter freebies last month and I truly loved some of them, so I'm going to continue reading them. Also, this helps for my COYER challenge, and I really, really want to hit my 30 freebies goal.
- My fourth goal for the new year is to try out more new genres and formats. As you know, I discovered I loved comic books a few years ago. This year I took a chance on audiobooks and after a few misses, I've found the type of audiobooks I'm enjoying the most. I also love podcasts. I wonder what other formats there are for reading. Illuminae is the only one that comes to mind when it comes to a new format, so maybe I'll try to see if my library has it and see if I like that type of format. I also want to play around with genres. I'm not sure which ones I'm willing to try out yet, so we'll see what the next year brings.
- Last but not least, I want to not restrict my reading to only English fiction. As a multilingual person, I have the chance to read in more than just one language, and for some reason I forgot that. I was reminded of this when I read The Book Thief, and I feel like there's a whole world that needs to be explored.
These are just a few of my expectations for next year. There's a similar prompt over on Bookending Winter, and I'll share some of the Reading Challenges I want to sign up for in the upcoming year, so be sure to check it out when it goes live.Until then, let's talk. What are some of your reading expectations and goals for 2019?